Linux Fundamental Part 3Tryhackme Walkthrough/Writeup

TryHackMe Linux Fundamentals Part 3 WriteUp/Walkthrough
Beginner-friendly Writeup/Walkthrough of the room Linux Fundamentals Part 3 from TryHackMe with answers.
The Contents of the Room:
· Task 1: Introduction
· Task 2: Deploy Your Linux Machine
· Task 3: Terminal Text Editors
· Task 4: General/Useful Utilities
· Task 5: Processes 101
· Task 6: Maintaining Your System: Automation
· Task 7: Maintaining Your System: Package Management
· Task 8: Maintaining Your System: Logs
· Task 9: Conclusions & Summaries
Task 1: Introduction
# Let’s proceed!
Answer: No answer needed
Task 2: Deploy Your Linux Machine
Deploy the AttackBox and login into the machine using “ssh tryhackme@machine_ip”, enter the password “tryhackme”.
# I’ve logged into the Linux Fundamentals Part 3 machine using SSH and have deployed the AttackBox successfully!
Answer: No answer needed
Task 3: Terminal Text Editors
Create a file using Nano by using the command “nano new_file_name”.
# Create a file using Nano

Answer: No answer needed
# Edit “task3” located in “tryhackme”’s home directory using Nano. What is the flag?
Use the command “nano task3” to open the file “task3” and see the flag.
Task 4: General/Useful Utilities
# Ensure you are connected to the deployed instance (
Answer: No answer needed
# Now, use Python 3’s “HTTPServer” module to start a web server in the home directory of the “tryhackme” user on the deployed instance.
Use the command “python3 -m http.server” ti start the web server.
Answer: No answer needed
# Download the file onto the TryHackMe AttackBox
# What are the contents?
Use the command “wget machine_ip” to download the file and then “cat .flag.txt” to output the flag.
# Create and download files to further apply your learning — see how you can read the documentation on Python3’s “HTTPServer” module.
# Use Ctrl + C to stop the Python3 HTTPServer module once you are finished.
Answer: No answer needed
Task 5: Processes 101
# Read me!
Answer: No answer needed
# If we were to launch a process where the previous ID was “300”, what would the ID of this new process be?
Answer: 301
# If we wanted to cleanly kill a process, what signal would we send it?
# Locate the process that is running on the deployed instance (MACHINE_IP). What flag is given?
# What command would we use to stop the service “myservice”?
Answer: systemctl stop myservice
# What command would we use to start the same service on the boot-up of the system?
Answer: systemctl enable myservice
# What command would we use to bring a previously backgrounded process back to the foreground?
Answer: fg
Task 6: Maintaining Your System: Automation
#Ensure you are connected to the deployed instance and look at the running crontabs.
Answer: No answer needed
#When will the crontab on the deployed instance (MACHINE_IP) run?
Answer: @reboot
Task 7: Maintaining Your System: Package Management
# Since TryHackMe instances do not have an internet connection…this task only requires you to read through the material.
Answer: No answer needed
Task 8: Maintaining Your System: Logs
#Look for the apache2 logs on the deployable Linux machine
Use the command “cd /var/log/apache2” to navigate to the folder where apache2 logs are store.
Answer: No answer needed
#What is the IP address of the user who visited the site?
Use the command “cat access.log.1” to output the logs and see the ip address of the user who visited the site.
#What file did they access?
Also on the same file you will see what file they accessed.
Answer: /catsanddogs.jpg
Task 9: Conclusions & Summaries
#Terminate the machine deployed in this room from task 2.
Answer: No answer needed
#Continue your learning in other Linux-dedicated rooms
Answer: No answer needed
#Join Linux Fundamentals Part 1
#Join Linux Fundamentals Part 2
Thank you for checking out my writeup!